AAF District 8 Education Foundation Application

Please complete the form below. Additional supporting information such as budgets, letters, project outlines, etc. can be emailed separately.

AAFD8 Foundation Application
Fields marked with an * are required

Contact Information

Person or Organization Submitting the Request

Contact Information

Beneficiary of Grant if different than above

Request Narrative:

Please complete the form below. Additional supporting information such as budgets, letters, project outlines, etc. can be emailed separately.

a. Brief summary of your organization history, mission, and activities. 

b. Is your organization positioned to complete the proposed work? 

c. Describe the opportunity your proposal addresses. 

d. List any organization (other than self) and individuals (other than self) that will or is involved in the planning and implementation of your project. 

e. What are the goals of your project? 

f. What is your time frame? 

g. How will you determine success? 

h. Please include an overall budget for your project.