Who We Are
AAF District 8 (D8) is made up of advertising clubs throughout Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin
Nationally, the American Advertising Federation (AAF) is the largest group of its kind, with grassroots membership over 50,000 professionals.
Our Mission
The mission is to provide a unifying voice for advertising within the member clubs in the District through support of the following: District NSAC, District ADDY® competition and District Leadership activities. The District will be a connecting point for members between their local clubs and national AAF.


American Advertising Awards
The American Advertising Awards are the nation's largest advertising competition. Each year the competition begins at the local level with the 210 AAF member clubs around the country.

National Student Advertising Competition
A premier college advertising competition. Providing more than 3,000 college students with real-world experience by requiring a strategic marketing campaign for a corporate sponsor.

8th District Education Foundation
The 8th District Education Foundation, managed by a board of directors separate from the 8th District AAF officers, was created to provide ongoing funding for the competition.